Author: Peter Nisbet
Article marketing is so important today that article services are becoming more significant to your online success than even a high Google listing. The reason for that is very simple, although before going into why I say that, I should stress that I have written a highly regarded ebook on search engine optimization
(SEO) and how to use it to get almost immediate and high listings on Google and the other search engines. This is therefore contradictory to my own products.
What that means is that not too long ago I regarded search engine marketing as being the best and most profitable way of promoting and advertising your website and products or service. That, however, has all changed. While SEO is still important, it is not on web pages that you should focus your efforts, but on your writing. If that puzzles you, then read on and learn how article marketing and article writing services can make you money without any expenditure.
By writing articles you can promote your products in many different ways. You can use articles to promote your website much more effectively that spending a lot of time or money on search engine optimization. Although SEO is a very important aspect of most online marketing campaigns, have you ever stopped to think, and checked up on what is actually being listed on Google above you - assuming you can even find your own web pages on Google, or any other search engine?
Probably not, but if you did then you are as likely to find articles published on article directory pages as you are regular website pages. These days, search engine listings are just as likely to be article directory pages, and for free advertising you should write and submit articles that relate to your website or product. Article services sites can do it for you if you can't write your own, and the article directories have SEO professionals to give your article the best chance of being listed above any website covering your niche. Article marketing is the new way to the top!
Article marketing is taking over from regular SEO and website marketing very rapidly, but most people are going to miss out because they make use of neither online article services, nor the article marketing advice that is available to them. They will spend $97 on ebooks about tag an ping and the inane writings of one rich jerk or another, and miss the bigger picture.
In fact you have no need even for a website if you are having your articles listed on the search engines. You can sell products, and make a lot of money, only by writing articles. That is literal fact and it can be proved. However, this is not the place to do that. What is important is that you don't get your head turned too much by the traditional SEO sharks offering you a Page #1 position for anything from 100 to 1000 bucks!
What would they do if 11 customers asked for a Page #1 listing for the same keywords: the whole thing is ludicrous. Unless their page is on Page #1, who are they to do it for you if they can't do it for themselves? Article services sites can do a lot more for you by teaching you modern article marketing techniques that really do work.
Here are the steps to take to get free advertising for your website without doing anything but write. Not one single page on your site need be optimized for any keyword if you use article marketing as an advertising technique, only the articles that you write.
1. Do some keyword research and find the most used keywords for your niche. Also find those that have the least supply - that is those keywords and phrases that are used the least by your competitors.
2. Use both kinds, irrespective of the supply of the first, or the demand of the second, as titles and topics for your articles. Then write an article based on the best keyword you have found.
3. Use the keyword in the title, first 100 characters and also again in the first paragraph (which should be of about 50 - 70 words). Use it in the last paragraph and once again for each 300 words in your article.
4. Provide information in your article, and write so that anybody reading it will want to find out more about what you are writing about. Just as I am doing now. After all, this is going to make you money without you having to pay anything out. It's free advertising.
5. Provide a link at the end of your article, or in the 'Author's Resource Box' if one is provided, that leads back to a page on your website directly relating to the topic of your article. Mine here will lead you to a page explaining how to write articles, market them properly and make money from them whether you have a website or not.
Most people have no idea what article marketing can do for them, and article services websites can help you to achieve your goals by providing articles for you if you cannot write them effectively yourself.
Article marketing is the new SEO, and websites are rapidly taking second or even third place to article directory pages, Squidoo lenses and MySpace and You Tube listings. Get into the modern world and use article marketing and article services to get your site and products advertised and starting making some real money.